26 April 2011

#88 Coming Into My Own

I've been shy for a long time and that is something that has kind of haunted me in a way.  It would always mean I was too afraid to do the things I needed to do, or talk to the people I needed to talk to, out of fear of rejection or ridicule.  This has haunted me for almost twenty years and has managed to creep into virtually everything that I do.

You would figure that a grown man should be able to sort out his issues from grammar school that came about from being spurned by a girl...nope I still carry those issues with me to this day.  Well times are changing.

The path that I have created for myself has started to pull me out of that shell.  My recent change has a lot to do with the things I have started to do to become successful.  After all how can you be successful if you don't reach out to people.  I've been coming into my own out of necessity.  Talking to people, meeting people, taking myself out of my comfort zone.
Certainly the work is hard and thankless in some cases, but this is the path that I have chosen and in the process I will continue to come into my own.

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