25 July 2011

#104 Random Thoughts

With all the feedback that I've received over Eiko, i started to think on some of the issues that people have with the story.  Most of it involves getting rid of characters.  To them I say thee nay (to quote Thor).

When I create a world, I create the characters and their backgrounds and their history.  They serve a purpose whether major or minor.  Now of course this has a lot to do with my background in comics and fantasy fiction.  I realize that a main character is only as powerful as their supporting cast.  Take the characters Yoko and Gisei from Eiko.

I created them as a balance to Eiko.  Eiko was the point man so to speak, while Yoko was the support, and Gisei was the heavy.  On a typical mission, Yoko would provide the defense, while Gisei would be the muscle.  Eiko couldn't do everything that both of them did.  A real military team has a setup that provides someone to cover each of the required positions.  One person simply cannot do it all.  Even a sniper works with a spotter who provides tactical information to the one pulling the trigger.  Yoko and Gisei also provided a  level of balance to Eiko who tends to be more straight forward in her methods.  Getting rid of them would require a retooling of the missions, and would put more work on Eiko.  Certainly I wanted her to be a bad-ass character, but I also wanted her to be able to work as a part of a unit.  It shows her strength and weaknesses.

Supporting characters do just that.  They support them and help them achieve their goals.  Eiko isn't a one woman army (at least not until later) and it provides a bit of realism to her as well as an emotional tie.  What happens to them is also a catalyst for other events.  Also when writing a screenplay, you tend to think of the potential for sequels and spin-offs.

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