09 November 2011

#118 New Direction, New Opportunities

For the past few weeks, I have been moving in a new direction with both my writing and my professional pursuits.  No longer am I willing to just sit down and let life pass me by.  I figure I am a talented individual, with the ability to write just about anything that I put my mind too, that is what I should be doing.  So that is what I have been doing.  I recently started doing NaNoWriMo with a story that I have had in mind for a while, but I just never had the ability to sit down and write it.  The contest has given me a tremendous boost in my motivation to write in a single stretch more than I ever have.  To this I honestly have to thank my dear friend Jayelle (J.L. Anderson) who inspired me to get in and just do it.

I have also started posting reviews on an Entertainment Buddha; an entertainment news website.  I am pretty sure that these will keep me busy in the near future.  Writing for something else other than my blogs and screenplays has definitely given me a bit of an uplift.  I have a great story and now I am able to reach out to a broader audience.  Sure nothing in regards to monetary gain, but I am looking at the bigger picture.  Opportunity is my golden egg.

So with that I will still update on this blog as well as put down anything new that is relevant in the other blogs as well.

Stay tuned.


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