28 November 2011

#120 Renewing My Vows...To Myself

Kenan as we draw closer to this new year, I'd like to take this time to renew my vows to you in hopes that the future is a brighter endeavor for us.

My dear self...

I love you.  You have been with me all my life and as such I can never have a greater self than I do with you.  I realize we have had a rocky relationship with so much happening, but as we continue forward I want you to know that I am here and I will never turn my back on you.

We have accomplished so much in the last few years and I wanted to tell you how proud I am to have been a part of it, but this is still only the beginning.  We have much further to go and you need to hear it from the person who knows you best, that the journey will be difficult.  It will test what we are capable of and who we are as a person, but do not despair; You can handle what ever is thrown at you.

In spite of the way things are looking you aren't doing half bad, and as long as you remember why you are doing this, you can never be led astray.  Never forget that you have sought this path and you will continue to walk it, because you are too stubborn to do much else.  Some will call you lazy, others will insult your talent, but never listen to those fools.  You at least know where you stand, when they do not.

You are a good person and never let it be said that it isn't recognized.  You've done a lot of good for yourself by following your dreams and never letting go of them.

It is said that those who dreams and those who do are only inches apart.  The dreamers are the ones who often become those that do.  You have a lot of good references to this.

In the next year I expect more from you, so much more than you did this year.  You published one book, publish to.  You completed 50k words in a month, do a 100k.  Try to do better than you did in 2012 than you did in 2011.

I won't hold you back.  This I promise.  I will always be there when you need me.   I believe in you even when you don't think that I do.  I have remained your strongest supporter, even when it seemed nobody else would.  I know that you are a talented person and eventually you will get your proper due.  You must remain patient though, because nothing will come when you want them, but miracles happen when you need them.

Never give up hope, and know that as long as you are capable and your body is willing to take that next step forward, so too will I be here to help spur you forward.

Love Eternal Thy Own Self




Our deeper fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  Words to live by, that I won't let you forget.

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