27 December 2011

#134 Kung-Fu Warrior to Kung-Fu Writer

I can remember as a kid, being excited when Enter The Dragon would come on television.  I would sit watching it intensely, and practicing my own version of Kung-Fu against the poor hapless pillow warriors, that I had envisioned.  Every Sunday I would watch Samurai Sunday, which was the only other highlight of a sunday (non excluding Sunday Morning Cartoons).  Martial arts played a strong point in my early childhood life.  Sure I watched cartoons, and played with G.I.Joes, and all the other stuff a typical kid would have done, but when it came to physical activities martial arts was my baseball, my basketball.  Martial arts was always something at the fore front of my life, and yet I didn't devote as much time to it, as I would have liked.  Still it remained important to me.  I would rent martial arts movies as often as I could.  I followed every trend of the day.  The kung fu films of the seventies, the ninja films of the eighties, the muay-thai and kickiboxing films of the ninties.

Everything that I created, usually has some sort of martial arts tint to it.  Most of my major characters are martial artist of some degree.  I've written martial arts, assassins, urban martial arts, matial arts and giant robots, martial arts meets high fantasy.  I can't shake it.  It's sort of like my thing you know.  Sometimes I try to stray from it, but it always seems to beckon me back like a kung-fu sirens call.  I do think I am pretty good at it though :)

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