29 December 2011

#135 Writers Wish List

I never really thought of this, until Cindy Young-Turner brought it up in a tweet.  You can check out her website here  as well as an excerpt from her first book Thief Of Hope.  All writers generally have a wish list of things that they want, or would like, so here I am presenting mine.

Kenan Brack's Writer's Wish List

1.  Time
We all wish we had more time.  Every day a new gray hair appears and I wish I could go back in time and smack my younger self for not being more serious and getting more done.  Still we only have the time we are given.  Each one of us has 24 hours a day to get things done.  Still it would be nice to have just a bit more to work with.

2. A Faster Computer
While my workhorse has been extremely faithful to me over the past three years, with as many upgrades as I could afford, there is only so much you can do with a single core machine these days, especially as I delve deeper into video editing.  I'm not a mac person, so a nice quad core 16 gb ram desktop would be a nice touch (readme: gift) to really help the process along.

3. More show, less tell
I always get caught up in my writing so I often forget that the rule of thumb is: show not tell.  The ability to program the writing side of my brain to do that would be nice.  Even if it came in a switch or a nice rotary dial.  This would help me out immensely.

4. The ability to program in any language
While this may not seem like something desired by a writer, for me it is.  I've recently discovered UDK (Unreal Development Kit) which allows you to make games using the award winning and epic game engine.  The power of the engine is Unreal, and I wish I had the ability to program games based off of my stories.  I'd make them myself and then put them up for sale at the Iphone appstore.

5.  More fans and followers
What writer doesn't want this?  I would kill (not literally) to have thousands of fans and followers, who were all willing to support my projects.

6.  The ability to make a living from writing alone
This goes without saying.  I don't even have a day job, and I wish I could turn every word into dollar signs that went into my bank account.  Do you know how awesome that would be?  It would be hella awesome.

(see above video for reference)

7. The ability to land representation
The greatest writers rarely do anything without some muscle on their side, and that muscle comes from having a good agent or manager who will stand by yourside and guide you to more success.  I mean it's a dream for most writers to get a magical rep.  I know what a rep is supposed to do, and I know (somewhat) what I am supposed to do.  It'd be great to get one, and I could actually do what I am supposed to do....write.

8. To produce a film based of Eiko
Eiko started out as a videogame character, then turned into a manga style book, then into a screenplay and then into a novelization.  I'd like to see all of those steps fulfilled but the biggest one would be a movie based off the screenplay that I wrote.  It seems to have the most amount of success of all the other avenues.

9. Finishing My Next two or three books
I'd really like to have this done, edited and out in stores, but I have a ways to go before that happens, still it'd be nice if I could jump ahead and it was already done.

(hard to visualize this, but I might try again later)

10. The ability to buy the things I need/want
Though this goes hand in hand with No.6, I don't just want to make money from writing, I want to make a substantial living from it.  Enough to buy a Corvette, a nice house, and be able to vacation when I needed it. That alone would be awesome.

That's all for now.  The new year is coming soon, and I have much to do.  Talk to you soon.

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