31 May 2012

#151 Progress and new addition...


There is nothing like being able to show progress of work you have accomplished.

Since my last post TCR is moving along.  Great concept art, a level completed, and models are on their way.  Soon we will have enough for the prototype level and we can start making tweaks to it. Working out the bugs of the combat systems, implementing enemy A.I. sounds, visual f.x., you know all that pertinent stuff.

It is only natural that a project like this have it's fair share of troubles, and we do have them.  When you are making something as ambitious as this,you will start to run into problems that you didn't expect.  It gives you a greater respect for the ones who do this all year round, and still continue to make games.  Still with Bill and I serving as the force of motivation, we will be able to deal with what ever comes up.

The images represent one of the weapons we will be using in the game as well as the games first level.

Next up on my list of moving forward items...

My official website.

The Official Website of Kenan Brack

I decided to make a personal website, after someone mentioned that it was a good idea to help establish a brand.  A personal website allows me to do something that a blog does not, plus it is an exercise in exploring technology and ways to integrate it.  I'm learning new and interesting things about webdesign since I am about ten years out of the loop.

Still creating the website myself, gives me greater control over the look and information and I like having that sort of control.

Next on the list...

Eiko: R3M1X

The process is hard.  As I have stated before, when you change the world, the context and subtext changes along with it.  What makes sense for fantasy is baffling for modern day and perhaps full on crazy in cyberpunk.  A lot of thought has to go into the changes, but the changes have to make sense for both the story and the characters.

For example.

In Ancient Rome, you could attend the gladiator fights as a source of entertainment.  What if someone you knew was fighting in those fights.  Most gladiators were slaves, so how would someone watching the fights have a connection to the gladiator themselves.

In modern day we have boxing or MMA.  It's not the same as the gladiator fights.  Not just because the entertainment is considered (by some) to be more civilized, but also because the nature of being a fighter today is a choice.  Knowing a boxer or MMA fighter is easy and quite common.

This is what I mean by changing the time, changes the context.  If the modern day was the source material, then you would have to change how the character knows the fighter.  It's a difficult process, but I am up for the task.

Moving along, i've added a lot of twitter followers recently, so that's always pluses for me. That goal of 150+ is getting a lot closer than before.

So that's all for progress.  I'll keep you all updated, and hopefully have more news to share soon.


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