05 September 2020

A fathers reason for being...

I meant to post this many years ago and never did.  It languished as an unfinished draft, but I wanted it to be there.  I wanted her to know how proud I am and that writing this was as important to me now as it was then.

In the 2008 Speed Racer film, John  Goodman delivered the following line.

"How could it be meaningless?  I saw my son become a man.  I watched him act with courage and integrity and drive the pants off of every driver the pants of every driver on the road.  This is not meaningless.  This is the reason for a father's life."

This resonated with me on multiple levels, not only because I thought the line was well written and appropriate for the context of the scene, but also because it made me realize how proud I am of my daughter Siana.

At thirteen years old (almost fourteen) my daughter is a writer.  Not an author, but a writer and a damn good one.  Her aspirations are to be like me, whom she greatly admires, but I know something that she 

He's going to be very good.

Racer X
No.  He's going to be the best.

I'm always quick to recognize raw talent when I see it.  Regardless of whose talent it.  As a father, I couldn't be more proud to recognize it in her.  

The feeling of pride can't be understated.  Watching as your child looks up to you and wants to follow in your footsteps is what every parent wishes.  I'm not the greatest writer in the world and I can openly admit that; but I am a damn good writer and my daughter has the talent to surpass me.
Put simply as she is Gohan to my Goku.

You might be wondering, how I recognize this much talent.  Easy; I read her work.  I feel that her work is as good at the age of thirteen as mine was at the age of twenty-one.  I still have my work from the age of twenty-one so it's an easy comparison.  

Knowing that she wants to be a writer like her old man, brings untold levels of joy, and fills my heart with so many feelings, that I can't even put them into words.

Not only am I her father, but I also make sure to mentor her.  I provide whatever knowledge and support that she needs in order to succeed.  I'm never overbearing.  It's her choice to follow the path of writing, but if she needs my help, I'm here.  I will provide whatever tools that she needs in hopes that they will help her as they have helped me.

I believe in all my children in their ability to follow whatever makes them happy, but since this is a writing blog, I just thought it was awesome to share that Siana, wants to Follow the Path, like her old man.  

She's my Carver in Training, and I couldn't be happier.

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