05 June 2015

#203 Rocksmith 2014: 60 Day Challenge: Week 3

Practice brings on a brand new kind of blue.

Playing the guitar is tough.  I have a new found respect for anyone that can shred an axe and can do it well.  In the past week, I've struggled with my practicing.  It's like my brain and my hands are having an argument and refuse to get along.

 Even though I am still a long ways away from my status of a Rock God, the progress is assuring.  I've got the strings memorized, and now it's a matter of putting my fingers where they belong.

Slash makes it look so easy.

The one thing I always have to keep in mind is that even Angus Young had to start somewhere.  The ability to learn the guitar is something that will take longer than 60 days.  It is a life time commitment.

So what progress have I made so far?

Well out of the songs I've played, this one is my favorite and while the percentages haven't gone up that much, I'm remembering the tabs for it, so that makes it easier to play.

Some progress is better than no progress at all.  The good thing is my fingers are beginning to learn the flexibility, because in all honesty, who the hell uses their pinky for much?  It is developing it's on callouses :)  My sense of touch is becoming tuned to the strings, and my ear are noticing when I am on the wrong fret.

There are some things I struggle with, such as coordination when it comes to Hammer-On/Pull Off combinations.

I know this is normal for someone who has never spent any time with a musical instrument (Rockband/Guitar Hero don't count).  My memory of the touch and sensations both physical and audible have to become second nature.

Learning this way has its advantages but there are cons associated with this method of learning (which I won't go into).  This is the only way I can learn how to play a tactile instrument such as a guitar.  I'm still excited to learn and though frustration always finds its way in; I'll keep going, strumming away, until I do what I really want to do; Make Music.

Next week I'll post some videos .  Till then, keep shredding.

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