20 December 2020


Neuromancer by William Gibson

Some years back my daughter and I had a profound talk on the future of entertainment and technology.  The conversation was like many that we had.  At the time I was playing Midnight Club LA for PS3, and it was on a Sunday.    This was our VR Conversation and its effects would last for years. 

On Friday, my daughters gift arrived.  A brand new Oculus Quest 2 as a Christmas Present.

I can't do this right now because honestly, I'm jacked in and having too much fun.  

I'm appreciative to my daughter who thought of me enough to spend as much as she did in order for me to have a decent VR headset.  Not only as a device for on the go gaming, but also as a device for study and development.  The Go was seriously under powered, and the Quest 2 more than makes up for that.  Yeah that's all I got for today.  The Quest 2 is not the perfect platform, but it's not about perfection right now.  Right now, my daughter did one of the most loving things she could do and I'm really appreciative right now.  

2020 has been something that noone could prepare for, but it showed us both the ugly and the beautiful.  It's like it took the veil from our eyes.  We saw people in a new light, we saw systems changed before our eyes.  We saw as the world collapsed while the people banded together to strengthen the fallen.  2020 was also the year my daughter turned 21 and I saw exactly the adult she was likely to become.  

My oldest daughter Haraku has also fallen to the appeal of VR, but apples don't fall far from the tree.  She's got her own headset and has been spending a fair amount of time in VR Chat.  I've dabbled there myself on the Oculus Go.

Now I will be able to do more.  This isn't a review of the Quest 2, nor am I going to sing it's praises or failings.  Instead I'll say this: 2021 just got more interesting.

Here are some other blog posts with my thoughts and musings about VR.

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