06 February 2022

So I've started writing again...

A new years hello and the first official post of 2022.  Well things have been kind of up and down.  We had a winter storm here that kept us locked in our homes for a day (how dramatic) but it was nice to be able to work from home and to know that I have the capacity to do so, gives my current job some new options.  On the other side of things, I've started writing again.  I had stopped for a while, because I honestly wasn't feeling much for Version 1 of my writing career.

My writing skills started to deteriorate as my mental health also started to reach a certain decline.  I've since been taking my mental health seriously, and subsequently have started writing again.  My current project iss just for fun, but it's something I kind of want to see through to  a reasonable conclusion.  Something that to be honest; I've never done before.  

I'll start posting them here.   I'll admit these are not my best writing, I don't even have a real plan.  I'm writing it in a manner similar to how I play one of my favorite RPG's, which some people might be able to recognize..

This new work will be written in a first person perspective, which is something I am wholey unused to.  I've literally never written in first-person before.  It will be written from an active type of perspective as they events are happening, the main character only knows what is happening from their perspective.  You get the idea.

I've been watching a lot of Isekai lately, so the trappings are there, but I've realized that one of my screenplays Masters of Creation was in essence an isekai story.  I wrote that with a bit of Gary Stu-ism as a literary device, something I'm going to try and avoid with this new story.  

I haven't even confirmed what the actual title is going to be, because i'm also reusing elements of another story that I wrote some years back and later didn't finish.  i'm sure I posted that story here, but it's been so long that I don't honestly remember.  Anyway in order to keep the content flowing I'm trying to write a bit of the story every day and randomly creating events that my main character gets caught up in.  I hope people will like it enough to pay attention to what's really going on. 

Anyway that's all that's been going on with me.  So far 2022 has been a bit mild overall.  I don't ever expect it to stay that way.  

So look out for my new work.  Tell me how bad it is, and how it can get better.  I'd appreciate the opportunity to grow something susbstansial from it.

-Stay Awesome-


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