01 January 2024

2024: No more promises

To be honest, I'm not really worried about not having blogged since March of 2023. What I started in the year, I did not finish; but I've made some headway towards that which I started. I'm probably not going to be the one who manages to learn everything and get their projects completed in a year. Obviously; that definitely isn't the case. The year has given me a lot to deal with. Some new transitions, some breakdowns, a graduation and first year of college, less and more money, and a lot of tech. The year's not been the best, but it wasn't terrible, and through that, I always kept my eye on the far prize. Even though I still don't feel as close to where I want to be; I'm closer than where I was. So if my blogging has to suffer, then that's just how it goes. I'm still active on social media. I'm still on  Twitter/Xfacebook, youtube, Instagram Threads (that's a new one)

When I started here, I felt it was something that I needed; but it's not as necessary now. Having access to always-on mobile devices means that getting my thoughts across is now instantaneous. The options available now just weren't back then. My first blog post ame two months after the first iPhone was introduced. The world's changed and having a blog isn't a requirement.

This blog is a legacy of what I may create in the future. I don't know all of what that is; but I won't stop until I have gotten there; no matter what it takes. This blog will serve to outline important periods of my life and parts of how I lived it. Always in the pursuit of something creatively epic.

To 2024; I wish you all the best, and as always; I'll be around.

While this isn't a goodbye, it's a shift in how I share my journey. This blog has been my companion through many chapters of my life, and it will continue to be a cherished part of my story. As I explore new horizons and take on different challenges, I may not be here as often, but this space will always hold the essence of my adventures. I'm not going away forever; I'm just taking a different path for a while. Stay tuned for occasional updates and musings, and don't hesitate to catch up with me on my active social channels. Here's to embracing change and pursuing creatively epic endeavors.

-Best Wishes-


28 March 2023

Land of Kuro-sses

It was a Land of Crosses, a dark and barren place, but it was mine.

I had taken control, I had cleared the way, and now I stood at the top of a mountain looking out at a new day.

No longer was I held back by the weight of my past, by the regrets and excuses that had held me fast.

I had forged a new path, a path of my own, and though it was dark and difficult, I had grown.

I had learned to face my fears, to embrace the pain, and through it all, I had gained a strength that would never wane.

For in the Land of Crosses, I had found a power, a force that could not be reckoned with, a spirit that could not be devoured.

So if you find yourself in a similar place, a land of darkness and despair, know that you too can conquer it, that you too can repair.

For it is in the facing of our fears, in the overcoming of our doubts, that we find the strength to stand, to rise up and shout.

I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul, and though the journey may be long and hard, I will reach my goal.

For in the Land of Crosses, I have learned that I am strong, that I am capable of anything, that I have been here all along.

Enjoy a good life and let your Land of Crosses be what you left behind.

Stay awesome - 

(Listening to:


19 March 2023

To the Underdogs...

 I saw this on FB this morning and it really spoke to me.  It spoke something significant and powerful about never giving up on your dreams.  Even when people  cross you off and mark you down because they think you've got nothing left, you show them that you aren't your past successes and failures.  You're the one who will make it.   I didn't write the original post

I'll have some commentary and my own thoughts on it in Italics and not a bad thing to say about the bunch.  Enjoy.

To The Underdogs...

Brendan Fraser was told his looks were fading as a Hollywood hunk. He was a medical liability on-set. He was just a late 90s matinee idol. A fluff performer with a handsome face and little skill. Tonight he took home Best Actor.

(Even though he did a bunch of stuff that I had not seen, I always loved him as Rick Schneider in the Mummy.  I have fond memories of going to see those films and they always remain a positive memory.  When I heard he was making a resurgence, I felt encouraged by it.)

Jamie Lee Curtis was a 'final girl'. A genre actress. Specialized in low budget trash, wasting her Hollywood royalty pedigree. Tonight she took home Best Supporting Actress.

(I always thought she was smart and sexy.  Never super controversial but a decent body of work.  Even if she is a final girl, she's one of the best damn ones that was ever born from a slasher film.  Not many people can say they survived so many bloody encounter in horror like she has.  She's done other stuff, but people are so quick to write you off once you're no longer hot.  JLC will always be  hot to me.)

Ke Huy Quan was a child actor. As he fell further into puberty, his roles dried up. He was the little Asian dork from those 80s movies, not a serious actor. He went 20 years without being cast because nobody thought he had talent. Tonight he took home Best Supporting Actor.

(This is kind of a secret, but he was amongst my genius/inventor crushes from back in the day.  They were the type of people I wanted to become.  I idolized inventors, but more so, I idolized inventors that were my age.  Were talking 80's here.  There was something good about Ke's presence on the screen.  I can still hear him saying "Dr. Jones"  and one of those memories I'll never forget (at least I hope not to) was the chompternutz scene from The Goonies (i'll find it one day)  This is where he became my inventor crush, because he was making stuff and I was only dreaming about it even if he was only an actor, it was the character that I identified with. I'm glad that in spite of being written off, that he came back from it.)

Michelle Yeoh was a Bond Girl whose looks were changing as she got older. An action star past her prime. Not 'lead role' material in Hollywood. Too old. Too unbankable. Too 'Asian' to carry a movie. Tonight she took home Best Actress.

(The way Hollywood portrays people as being a this or that; a hot for the minute, new thing.  Michelle has been one of those actresses who I've watched in many kung fu movies and more often than not, her presence contributed to the films that she was in.  She was able to physically keep up with the likes of Donnie Yen and Jackie Chan.  As an actress, she always portrayed  the type of person she often identified as, someone who defies the odds and fights at her strongest no matter what.)

Sarah Polley was a high school drop-out who was living on her own at the age of 15. She worked as an actress and writer during the day, and an activist by night. She was dropped by Disney for wearing an anti-war pin to an awards show, and a few years later, had her two front teeth smashed out by a riot cop during a protest over the Canadian conservative government. She wrote tonight's Best Adapted Screenplay.

(Never heard of her before, but I admire the courage to keep fighting, no matter who it is.  I'm glad that she got her chance to shine and I hope many more find the strength that she found to pursue their dreams.  Here's to you all)

There are a million barriers in life. Good guys don't always win. Underdogs don't always win.

But some nights they do.

Cheers to the underdogs.

Like, share and subscribe, and feel free to join me on Discord, where we talk about random stuff not limited to Warframe and Cars.

30 January 2023

Worldbuilding 101: Nytmaer's Game Dev Blog

Building a believable and immersive game world is a crucial aspect of game development. It's the foundation upon which players will experience and interact with your game. The world you create can make or break the player's engagement, so it's important to get it right. In this dev blog, we're going to go over some key elements of world building and how they relate to the overall narrative of our game.

First, let's talk about the setting. The setting is where your game takes place and it's an important aspect of world building because it sets the tone and context for the game. The setting for our game, is the outskirts of a city destroyed by an unknown catastrophe. The world is filled with danger, decay and despair. The setting is not only important for world building but also for the narrative. The Wasted Lands is a harsh environment and it shapes the characters and the story in a significant way.

Next, let's talk about the characters. The characters in your game are the people who will be interacting with the world you've created. They are the ones who will be making the decisions and taking action. It's important to create a diverse cast of characters to help make the world feel more believable and alive. Our main character is a martial artist, looking for their family in the Wasted Lands. They will become a recognizable force in a dark and dangerous world. They are not just a protagonist but also the lens through which the player sees the world and the story.

Another important aspect of world building is the lore and history. The lore and history of your game world can help to make it feel more believable and immersive. In the Wasted Lands, the lore and history is shaped by the different factions that have emerged in the aftermath of that . Each faction has its own unique history, culture and beliefs. They have different ways of dealing with the dangers of the Wasted Lands and this gives the world a sense of depth and richness.

Finally, let's talk about the game mechanics. Game mechanics are the rules and systems that govern how the player interacts with the world. They can be physical, like jumping or shooting, or they can be more abstract, like leveling up or managing inventory. In our game, the game mechanics are heavily influenced by the setting and the characters. For example, the Wasted Lands are a dangerous place and the player needs to be aware of their surroundings and be able to defend themselves. This is reflected in the game mechanics and the combat system.

In conclusion, world building is a complex and multi-faceted task. By focusing on the setting, characters, lore, history, and game mechanics, you can create a believable and immersive game world that will captivate players and give them a place that they want to come back to.

Constraints in Game Development: How Limitations Can Lead to Innovation

 Constraints - they're something we all have to deal with in our lives, whether it's time constraints, budget constraints, or even physical constraints. But have you ever stopped to think about how Constraints can actually be a good thing?

In the world of game development, constraints are essential. They force developers to think creatively and come up with unique solutions to problems. Without constraints, the sky's the limit, and that can actually be a bad thing. Without boundaries, it's easy to get lost in the endless possibilities and end up with a game that's bloated and unfocused.

The same can be said for art, music, and writing. Constraints force artists to think outside the box and come up with something truly unique and special. In music, for example, the constraint of only using a certain set of notes can lead to a melody that's more memorable and impactful.

But it's not just in the creative fields where constraints can be beneficial. In our daily lives, constraints can also help us improve and achieve our goals.

Think about it like this - a basketball player who trains with leg and arm weights will be able to move faster and jump higher on the court. The added weight is a constraint that forces the player to work harder and push themselves to new limits.

In game development, Constraints are a commonly used tool, as they help to limit the scope of the game and make it more manageable. In the case of my game, the constraints include the limited resources and technology available in the post-apocalyptic setting. This forces players to make strategic decisions and use their skills in combat to survive and progress through the story.

Another example of constraint as a mechanic can be found in our sandbox mode. Players have a limited  must defeat all enemies on the map before they run out. This creates a sense of tension and urgency, making the gameplay more intense and exciting.

Similarly, setting a mental constraint, like a deadline, can be a powerful motivator. When we know we only have a certain amount of time to complete a task, we're more likely to focus and get it done.

27 January 2023

The Journey of Inches: Nytmaer's Path to Game Development

As a high school graduate, I may not have the most formal education, but that doesn't mean I am not capable of creating something great. My real gifts lie in storytelling and intrinsic motivation. I have always been a practical learner, often learning by reverse engineering something based on its effect and not its cause. While I may have limitations in certain skillsets, I am able to produce high-quality content over a long period of time. Just look at this blog, it is a testament to that.

As I embark on this journey of creating a game, I can't help but think back to the famous speech from the movie Any Given Sunday "This is a journey of inches." As cliche as it may sound, it rings true in the world of game development. It's not about the big leaps and bounds, it's about the small steps and progress we make each day that ultimately lead to success.

For me, creating a game is about more than just my love for videogames. It's about combining that passion with the desire to run a good business. I have always felt like something was missing from the games I played, and now I have the chance to do something great and fill that void.

Martial arts have always been a big part of my life, not just in practice but as a medium to express ideas and tell stories. I have the opportunity to combine my love for martial arts and storytelling in this game, and I couldn't be more excited.

I have been trying to sell dreams for years, the good kind. I have been a dreamer for years, and a part of being a dreamer is wanting to share dreams with others. This game is my chance to do just that. I encourage you to join me on this journey and never give up on your own dreams. As Les Brown famously said, "Shoot for the moon and if you miss, you'll land among the stars." Let's strive for greatness and make our dreams a reality.

Join me on my journey of creating the ultimate gaming experience and and along the way I'll help you turn your dreams into reality. Take the first step and subscribe to my blog today!

20 January 2023

Life Lessons: Insights from my journey to create my ultimate video game

From Antarctic Press: I learned the importance of building a strong community and the power of loyalty and goodwill. I learned how good, legitimate efforts can have long-lasting benefits. Through my time with the team at Antarctic Press, I gained a deep understanding of the importance of strong relationships in any creative pursuit.

Amazon Studios: Recognizing and facing your fear of rejection and criticism by submitting your work to a contest. Developing the ability to defend and stand by your work while being open to constructive criticism. Recognizing the small victories along the way and learning to be competitive in a cutthroat industry.

Artificial Intelligence: The benefits of staying current with emerging technologies and the importance of considering the moral, ethical and legal ramifications of their use. The potential for growth and the need to establish what side of history you want to be on.

Backyard Wrestling: Understanding the physicality and athleticism it takes to be a high caliber performer. Learning how to put together a video promo, how to act in front of a camera, how to clearly communicate and physically work with other performers, and how to protect oneself. Also learning the importance of camera angles and how to choose the right one for the story you want to tell. Understanding the level of commitment and dedication it takes to entertain an audience and create a memorable performance. It taught me the value of hard work and perseverance in pursuing a passion, as well as the importance of safety in any kind of physical performance.

Carving a Path to Success: The realization that success comes from taking control of one's own path and making a plan to achieve one's goals. The importance of staying focused and not getting sidetracked by other pursuits. The understanding that a successful journey requires a balance of knowledge, experience, and passion.

Indiana University: The importance of utilizing technology to improve one's life, the benefits of listening to audiobooks when unable to read.  You are never to good to do hardwork, but it takes hardwork to do good. The realization that idolizing others is not necessary and that we should strive to improve ourselves instead.  Be the greatness you aspire to.

Kung Fu (Movie) Warrior: I was inspired by the spectacle of martial combat, the love of 70's era foley, and the sounds of strikes, wooshes, and impacts. I learned how one genre can affect another completely unrelated genre and how there is always room for another Kung Fu product.

Light Novel: Ability to reimagine an old idea, sharpening writing skills, rediscovering the love for writing after being away for years, using maturity to rediscover improvements to the thoughts behind characterization.

Mass Effect: Further love of RPG's, the benefits of branching storylines, building a product that remembers what you've done, improving the style and mechanics over the years and through sequels. Your first and third being great but your second being the best. How RPG mechanics can be converted to squad based multiplayer. How endings have to pay off for the player.

Motivation: Recognizing other's greatness even before they do. Knowing that sometimes a positive message goes a long way. Giving out the attitude of someone who wants you to be successful. The effort it takes to be that person and why you never want to stop.

Ninja: Being invisible until it is time, knowing when to strike, understanding that invisibility gives you freedom than under constant watch, moving outside of the light gives you access to things you cannot see in the light.

Novel: I learned how to adapt a story from one medium to another without losing its unique qualities. I also learned how to work under editorial oversight, and how to make changes that I originally did not think were necessary.

Photography: The art of capturing moments and emotions, the technical side of lighting and composition, the importance of editing and post-processing, and the power of storytelling through images. The beauty of the natural world and the importance of preserving it.

Playing the Guitar: Realizing that musical instruments isn't for everyone, but for some it can be a powerful outlet for expression and creativity. Understanding the effort and dedication it takes to master a new skill and the satisfaction that comes from improving.

Screenwriting: I learned the importance of structure and rules in storytelling, and how to create a cohesive series of events within the constraints of a spec screenplay. I also learned about the standards set by the motion picture industry and the discipline it takes to meet them.

Skyrim: I discovered the benefits of dedication to an idea and the importance of inspiration and entertainment. I learned from the active modding community and the importance of patience and understanding that bugs happen but doesn't mean a game has no value.

Triumverity Games: I gained practical experience in game development, working with a team, and building the elements needed to create a fantastic universe based on someone else's initial concepts. I also learned how to work within the constraints of time zones and language barriers and saw game development from the perspective of both the consumer and the developer.

TSR: I learned how to mix genres and negotiate freelance rates with artists. I also learned the importance of a series bible, committing to creativity, and expanding on existing products. Working with TSR helped me understand the importance of staying true to your vision while also remaining flexible and open to new ideas.

Unreal SDK: Evolution of game design and the power of open-source software. The ability to create immersive and visually stunning worlds using the latest technology. The potential for collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and resources within the gaming community. Understanding the importance of constantly updating and improving your skills to stay competitive in the industry.

Video Editing: The power of editing to shape and manipulate the narrative of a film or video. The importance of understanding how to use juxtaposition and other visual elements to tell a story. The ability to convey a different message or evoke a different emotion through different edits of the same footage. The realization that a skilled editor can make or break a production and the significant role editing plays in the overall outcome.

Virtual Reality: I discovered the potential of VR as a platform for development, and the ways in which it has unlocked new possibilities for the future of entertainment. I also saw the potential of VR to have benefits beyond just entertainment, such as in fields like education, therapy, and more.

Warframe: The dedication and mastery it takes to excel in a fast-paced online multiplayer game. Advanced techniques and strategies for playing effectively, as well as understanding the importance of teamwork and communication whether verbal or non-verbal.

Youtubing: The importance of consistency and building an audience, the impact of engagement and interaction with viewers, the need for creativity and authenticity, the value of networking and collaborating with other content creators.

In conclusion, my journey has been one of self-discovery and growth, where I have learned valuable lessons and acquired new skills that have helped shape me into the person I am today. I am now on the brink of entering the best period of my life, full of hope and with a clear vision of what I want to achieve. I am excited to see where my passion and hard work will take me in the future, and I am determined to create something truly great. I hope my experiences can serve as inspiration to others who are on their own journey to obtaining the impossible. If you're ready to take your own path to success, follow my journey on my blog or connect with me on social media